Over the years, Ive been contacted by lots of mini history and nature hunters all round the world who enjoy searching for and finding treasures on the foreshore, the beach, in their gardens and well anywhere they can search really! It is wonderful to see young people inspired to search for history and nature. If you've got some treasures that you have found that you would like to share to be shown on a compilation YouTube video "Treasures in Lockdown 2021" (whether that's a marble, a bottle stopper, a piece of pottery, a fossil, a pipe stem, an owl pellet, a seashell, or all of the above or anything that inspires your imagination) please send me a round up of up to 3 minutes and I'll put all the clips together to share on my youtube channel www.youtube.com/user/driftwoodnic Send me or ask your parents/guardians to send me your 2/3 minute video clip via wetransfer.com to [email protected] by Friday 15th January 6pm GMT and I'll confirm receipt of it. I look forward to seeing your lockdown treasures. And Im sure everyone else will love to see them too. Mini Mudlarks are aged between 2 and 16 but I will consider older ones!! If you have any questions, please send me an email. Happy New Year! Nicola