So this weekend, we had a very indulgent time mudlarking along the Thames foreshore. On Sunday, we went to Silvertown (pictured), where we picked up lots and lots of world war II bullets. We walked for at least a mile along the shoreline, and I always feel a bit sad when the tide starts to come in....knowing we will have to turn back before we get cut off. As well as bullets we picked up lots of great pottery, sea worn glass and brass eyelets. I also found a lovely little lead soldier, minus his head. Along this part of the Thames, there are lots of little offerings to Gods which are thrown into the river, and we did pick up a lovely bronze snake, one of such offerings. I also picked up a little pouch which contained a folded up piece of paper with verses of the koran written on it. I plan to see if I can have it translated. And now the weekend being over, it's getting ready to go back to work...... Thanks for such a great weekend. I'm looking forward to a positive week back at work :) x