The mudlarking trowels I have owned over the years have been special ones. They've been bespoke and made with hand turned wood and engraved brass by my mudlarking friend Graham Anderson They've accompanied me on many exciting muddy adventures and they have helped me to carefully prise out clay pipes, Bartmann faces, coins and other precious pieces of history. I suppose it's only fair that having found so many beautiful lost and discarded objects - that I offer up something myself now and again to the Thames tide. After an evening of feeling very annoyed with myself I decided to let it go and send it on its way with many blessings to whoever finds it. Maybe it is already snug in another mudlark's backpack or embarking on a new career on some building site, or slapping cement on bricks on someones garden wall. Maybe it will be found in the years to come.
The good thing to come out of this is that my amazing friend Graham Anderson has sent me a new trowel. It's so shiny and beautiful and it has a retractable cord so that I can attach it very securely to myself. The handle is hand turned Zebrano wood and brass! "I thought you might need a replacement one day", he said. He knew!! I received it yesterday and here it is. A thing of beauty, yet to experience its first pipe extraction. I am already attached it and it will be very much attached to me when I go out with it next on the foreshore!
So how can you procure yourself a wonderful bespoke trowel made by Graham. Read on to find out!
For enquiries, commissions and prices, contact Graham on :
[email protected]