Well, it's been a while, so I thought that seeings as I've just had the most wonderful long weekend off work, I would write a few words. I've been busy trying to make a few more bits and pieces for the Blackheath Art Society open studios weekend in a few weeks time, and for that I needed some more seaglass - not of the river glass variety, which is great, but some of the more seaworn type of glass - smaller and smoother - good for fish scales. Below you can see the difference between the 2 types. river glass is very quirky and generally larger - whilst sea glass is smaller and more delicate. There just happens to be a great beach near Dover which is pickled with the sea glass variety. So off we went with a packed lunch and 2 big empty buckets - and after 2 hours we had filled them up. It also happened to be about the first pleasant day we have had all year in terms of weather - which was lovely! Then, back home to make a few fish.

pottery fragment found on greenwich thames foreshore
After a thoroughly enjoyable day, making many fish out of glass - so many in fact that they are everywhere and I really need to find somewhere to store them all, or I am bound to have a disaster at some point when the cat knocks them on the floor - it was time for a walk down the river to see what has recently washed up. As we are on the theme of pottery, here are some pics of the last 4 bits of pottery we picked up. Three of them tell their own stories and are like little pieces of artwork all on their own - and the last one is quite demonic. I think the demon's face is pretty old - but am not sure, so if anyone has any idea of what kind of pot or jug it may have come from, then I'd be delighted to hear from you! i've googled to find out where it could have come from but to no avail.
Anyway - all good things come to an end and so it's back to work tomorrow. Can you just hear that enthusiasm radiating from this page :) Here's to the next weekend!
Anyway - all good things come to an end and so it's back to work tomorrow. Can you just hear that enthusiasm radiating from this page :) Here's to the next weekend!