seal with tasy fish supper
We had a very special day today. This morning we set off on a walk along the Thames, setting off from the Cutty Sark, and heading past Morden Wharf towards the Thames Barrier. There is a section of pathway which is closed and overgrown, and we slipped through the fence to explore this disused pathway. It was high tide, so no chance of mudlarking. Instead we searched for driftwood near the wharf where there is a lot of it washed up. In amongst the driftwood, we found a note in a bottle, about a much loved girl called Clare, who was to sail around the world, but who sadly died before she set off on her adventure. We spent a quiet moment thinking about her and her family, and how the River running through London is full of stories and history, both sad and happy. We were happy to find such a lovely note. Then, as we continued our walk, all of a sudden, there it was; A cheeky little seal popped it's head up and swam closer to take a good look at us. We were delighted, and it is the first time we have seen a seal this far upstream. At one point, she came up to show us a fish she had caught. It is always amazing to see a beautiful creature such as this so close, and especially so close to Greenwich! The seal splashed around, showing off for a while, before going off on it's way. We were then treated to a beautiful rainbow which is always a special sign for me; a reassuring promise of a bright future. "Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue, and the dreams that you dare to dream, really do come true!" Bon Voyage Clare! Happy onward journey.