There is a particular walk which we go on in Kent at least once every few months and it is wonderful in that it is so remote that you hardly ever see anyone. I love this, especially as I live in London and so spend quite enough time cheek to cheek with people I don't know, in the tube. It is a great place to find messages in bottles. Sadly though, the reason it is good for messages in bottles, is because it is absolutely littered with layers and layers of plastic waste; plastic bottles, bottle tops, lighters, toys, smartie lids.... all manner of plastic crap, which has made its way up the RiverThames, and comes to settle on the remote shores of Kent. Out of sight out of mind.
Each time we go there, it never fails to amaze me how much plastic waste is littered along the shoreline. The problem is - it does not rot. And the problem is also that it can be quite pleasing to the eye, and tempting to a hungry seabird. This comes with devastating consequences. I recently came across a startling article about what was found in the stomach of a young albatross. The impact that all these little plastic morsels have on marine wildlife is devastating.
Of course it's slightly overwhelming when faced with the enormity of trying to clean up miles of shoreline - like the one I walk along in Kent, but if we each do our bit, and put our plastic waste in a recycling bin, then we can make a difference.
Recently, I've been making a lot of pictures with pieces of plastic which is littering the banks of the River Thames. They look great and fun - but the reality is, and what we don't see, is the devastating effect that swallowing plastic has on our wildlife.
The Perils of Plastic
"When I see a rainbow, I think it’s fantastic
But sadly this rainbow is made out of plastic
And I don’t know if you’ve recently heard
About plastic like this that was found in a bird….
Unless they’ve developed unusual taste
For undigestible, dangerous waste…
They’ll suffer enormously, getting much thinner
Because of what they’ve scoffed for dinner
The recycling bin is where waste belongs
Not in a bird’s tummy - which is frankly quite wrong
And rainbows belong way up in the sky
So let’s kiss this plastic one a big goodbye
Think of the chick
Let’s not be mean
Please keep our beaches
Squeakily clean.
"When I see a rainbow, I think it’s fantastic
But sadly this rainbow is made out of plastic
And I don’t know if you’ve recently heard
About plastic like this that was found in a bird….
Unless they’ve developed unusual taste
For undigestible, dangerous waste…
They’ll suffer enormously, getting much thinner
Because of what they’ve scoffed for dinner
The recycling bin is where waste belongs
Not in a bird’s tummy - which is frankly quite wrong
And rainbows belong way up in the sky
So let’s kiss this plastic one a big goodbye
Think of the chick
Let’s not be mean
Please keep our beaches
Squeakily clean.