This Sunday 31st March, we went for one of our favourite walks along the River Thames in Kent to see what the tide had brought in. We weren't disappointed. In terms of messages in bottles, I hadn't really expected to find any, as we had been there less than a month before, and I thought that I had found all there were to find. How wrong I was. The tide had come up and given everything a good shuffle round, bringing previous hidden bottles to the surface. Bottle mail was in fine form (perhaps for Mothers' Day?) and amazingly, I found 4 bottles containing messages. Not only that, but the first bottle alone contained 5 separate letters - all legible. Today, I will focus on that story. The 5 letters below are the love letters which had been stuffed in a plastic bottle.
"Can we pretend that Airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars". It seems quite a poignant statement, given the recent tragedy of the Malaysian aeroplane MH370, and of course, the note wasn't written with that in mind at all - but it does make me think about it. There is something to me about imagining that lost flight as a shooting star that is somehow a hopeful and comforting thought. I know for example that whenever I see a shooting star, I send up a wish to my late Dad.
And below are some of the qualities that they obviously believed they had found in each other.
And below are some of the qualities that they obviously believed they had found in each other.
Below is number 3. (I am not too sure how many people there were writing these letters by the way, and have no idea when as there is not date which is a shame). It's funny how love does awaken the creative side in people and encourages them to express themselves! :) I love the enthusiastic and emotional way this person expresses themself.
Of course, I wonder if they are still together!?
Here is the last in the series. This could be a brainstorming session for future baby names, or perhaps they are other members of the family. Who knows. And does it really matter?
I hope you've enjoyed this delightful series of love letters, which were all together in one bottle. It was a real treat to get so many all in one go. As we all know, love can be such a source of joy, and then can be the source of quite the opposite. I get the sense that whoever wrote these was really enjoying the moment of being in love! Let's hope that Sammie and Tiny had the hoped for happy ending! Not all love stories do - I found a fragment of willow plate in the mud during that same walk - and anyone who knows the fateful story of the willow plate, knows that the course of true love does not always run smooth. Do look it up if you don't know it! Have a good evening. I wish you all much love in your lives! X
"I saw two shooting stars last night
I wished on them but they were only satellites
Is it wrong to wish on space hardware
I wish, I wish, I wish you'd care"
A New England - Billy Bragg
I wished on them but they were only satellites
Is it wrong to wish on space hardware
I wish, I wish, I wish you'd care"
A New England - Billy Bragg