I spotted this next message in a bottle floating tantalisingly in the river as we walked towards the millenium dome from Greenwich. There it was, floating completely out of reach (can you spot it in the picture?). There was no way we could walk past without trying our best to retrieve it and so we fashioned several rather odd fishing implements out of sticks, wire, plastic bags and old buckets. We then nonchalantly tried to pluck it out as passers by looked on as if we were a little odd. The bottle went round in a huge circle with the current and frustratingly would not comply with our efforts to get it out of the water. By now, we had lost the home made fishing rod (it fell in the water). So.... there was nothing for it, but to wait for the tide to go out. I then shimmied down the ladder to the shoreline (hoping that this was going to be worth the effort!). David then did the honours of retrieving the note from the bottle (Which also had a little white feather in it).

There is always a certain sense of trepidation when you open a note to read its content, particularly when you have risked life and limb to get it out of the river...
So this was a a very happy and positive message to find - well worth climbing down a slippery ladder for. The luck on its way which it talks about is now here, as we are going to Greece tomorrow, and so yes, I do feel very lucky indeed! :) We plan to throw a few of our own messages out whilst there and will see how many are found. I'll keep you posted on that and will be back soon to share more of our bottled messages.