This morning we set off to catch the low tide down in Greenwich. We had high hopes of doing a spot of Christmas day mudlarking, but alas, it was sludge city this morning and you would not find a thing unless you were a mud snorkeller! There was however a lot of rubbish washed up and amongst the plastic debris, there were as usual, a lot of bottles. On closer examination, I noticed that this brown bottle had a piece of paper in it. Excited?! oh yes!
What a lovely declaration of love to find on Christmas Day. And amongst the debris washed up was also a stray Christmas star decoration ,so it gave the message a rather festive feel.
The next message I found was another message of love - to Colin, who was obviously a very special person. It was in a very small tube and contained 3 letters written by members of his family on what would have been his birthday. As it was of such a person nature, I popped the letters back in the bottle, sealed it with the cork and threw it back in the River to continue it's journey.
Colin was obviously a very special person and you could really got a sense of how loved and missed he is.
The last message, which I found is also a kind of love letter to the earth, and it made us smile this Christmas morning. It's from the dolphins" (apparently!)
The last message, which I found is also a kind of love letter to the earth, and it made us smile this Christmas morning. It's from the dolphins" (apparently!)
So three love letters from the River Thames today for Christmas! What more could I ask for. How many more secrets and stories of love is the River Thames hiding? More than we will ever know I expect. Here below are two hearts which I found this year in the Greenwich Thames mud - the stories of which I can only guess at.
Happy Christmas All. Hope your Christmas is a good one, blessed with Love and Happiness!